Tutorial Videos


BACCH Basics Video Series: Setting Up and Operating BACCH-dSP.

BACCH4Mac Intro is free for students — email info@theoretica.us with your student email to get a copy!

Basic 3d Mxiing with the BACCH 3dm: ‘Spirit Cold’ by Tall Heights

This video highlights basic 3D mixing techniques available in the BACCH 3dm, using acoustic stems from Tall Heights' Spirit Cold. Please listen to this video using headphones or BACCH filtered speakers.

Support/praise for Tall Heights: http://www.tallheights.com

BACCH Labs does not own these stems; they were sourced from Cambridge-mt.com.


BACCH Basics Video 1: How to set up BACCH-dsP

In this first BACCH Basics video, we'll explore how to connect BACCH dSP to your current stereo speaker setup using a Babyface Pro.

Link to RME driver software: http://www.rme-audio.de/en/downloads/driver/uc.php


Feature 3

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