James Mentz
Founder + CEO

BACCH 3D Spatial Audio perfectly creates a spatial soundstage from only two speakers.
Perfectly, i.e., without imperfections: a BACCH filter has no dynamic range loss, tonal distortion, or any other audible change to your content.
BACCH spatial audio works with any content on any device.
BACCH renders the world’s existing stereo or surround content into spatial audio without remixing or remastering.
Rediscover your favorite music with more vividness, realism, and clarity than you’ve ever heard… on your existing devices.
The BACCH-SP Grand
The flagship implementation of BACCH spatial audio technologies, the BACCH-SP grand from Theoretica Applied Physics is a highly-acclaimed, state-of-the-art digital audio processor that allows the listener to experience spatially accurate 3D sound from a pair of stereo loudspeakers.
Our core technology - an elegant filter for any stereo device that allows any user to experience lifelike spatial audio from stereo or 3D content.
Headphone spatial audio that actually sounds externalized, or outside your head, for everyone, without any required customization or tuning.
Multi-user 3D sound using any array of 7+ speakers. Can create personal sound zones as well as clean stereo or 3D images from speakers anywhere in a room or car cabin.
BACCH Labs is a software and technology licensing company that handles the IP portfolio produced by Princeton University’s 3D3A Laboratory, as well as internally developed IP in the area of 3D spatial audio for applications in various fields: virtual and augmented reality, automotive audio, consumer and pro audio, gaming, cinema, teleconferencing, and mobile.
For more information about BACCH or our technologies, visit our FAQ Page.
After winning over the hearts and ears of the audiophile community — including some of the world’s most critical listeners — with the BACCH algorithm for binaural audio on loudspeakers, we’ve made BACCH available as commercial software for multiple consumer platforms.
“BACCH 3D breaks more ground than any other digital technology I’ve encountered"
“I heard a spatial audio presentation that was indistinguishable from real life”
“Throw some jazz on your home stereo, and you’ll hear from exactly where they stood”
“This is not a hat trick but true 3D audio that can literally put a whisper in your ear.”
“The effect is like a spooky hifi hologram: shockingly real.”
Both BACCH-SP Hardware and BACCH-dSP Software are available for purchase through Theoretica Applied Physics.
Our very own u-BACCH Audio Plug-in is now available for Mac and Windows.
B2B customers can license our SDKs to create vivid spatial audio on their device.
Shortly after his IPO with his previous startup, James Mentz set out searching for the best 3D audio technology in the world. He stumbled upon Professor Edgar Choueiri and his 3D3A Lab at Princeton. After decades of research, Edgar had already won the discerning praise of the audiophile community, but outside of this community, the BACCH technology was widely unknown.
Together, along with Sam Caldwell who serves as VP of Engineering, James and Edgar founded BACCH Labs to bring this promethean spatial audio technology to the commercial market.
Founder + CEO
Founder + CTO
Founder + Tech Advisor
BACCH tech has use cases for billions of today’s and tomorrow’s products.